building on your strengths


We help you create a secure and structured communication platform for you, serving your new leader (or a leader starting to work with a new team) to get closer to the team members. Gain insights on how to work together effectively and work together to achieve team results.

We recommend to proceed with the program approximately after 2 – 4 months upon the arrival of the new leader.

STEP 1 – Getting to know each other’s strengths – a tool for understanding self and others

Added value of each team member

Needs sharing

Understanding the leadership style of the new leader

Naming the penetration of our forces and what is emerging as new


STEP 2 – Defining the expectations of the new leader and his/her idea of ​​cooperation

What about myself as a person is important for me to share with the team?

What is important for me to know about my team?

What do I want to understand?

What is my idea and what shaped it?


STEP 3 – Defining the team’s expectations and its idea of ​​cooperation

What works for us and what we would like to keep?

What we would like to do differently?

Our guiding principles


STEP 4 – Connecting both parties for effective cooperation

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